NJ PPE Wholesale Supplier Registry

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PPE Wholesale Supplier Registry Public Listing

The information about the vendors and products below was volunteered by the vendors, compiled by the State, and is provided for the express purpose of assisting private businesses and organizations in New Jersey access potential suppliers for PPE and other COVID-related goods and services. Any other use of this information is prohibited. These vendors sell large quantities of PPE and are not intended for individuals; to learn more about individual PPE retail options, please visit covid19.nj.gov

All parties are strongly advised to exercise due diligence when selecting vendors and are responsible for ensuring the quality and regulatory compliance of all good/services purchased.

Please ensure you are following your organization’s policies and practices concerning vendor capability and responsibility to ensure that you are making a safe purchase.

This listing is updated multiple times a week. If you would like to be included as a potential PPE supplier, please complete the PPE Supplier Registry intake form.